June 14, 2005

I Sure Will Be Glad...When This is All Over

4 November 1952
Tuesday Afternoon

Dearest Mom,

Right now I imagine you are waiting with bated breath for the election returns, as I am. So far, everything I've heard sounds good for Ike. I've got my fingers crossed.

(two paragraphs about military duties and health)

Saturday, Bev and I picked out our rings which are plain gold bands. Her's is a little wider that average but not near as wide as Alice's.

Please, Mom, let me regain the closeness to you that I used to have. I've been a fool for along time and I am really regretting it now. Please forgive me for the hurt I've caused you. Believe me, I've learned my lesson. Write soon and often, I am anxious to hear from you. Take good care of yourself.

All my love,


11 November 1952
Tuesday Morning

Ronald asks about his mother's health and talks about wedding preparations. Ronald's family is not going to be there.

(The following is the last paragraph.)

Please have patience with me Mom, honey. I think I'll be okay in a couple of weeks. Right now I am confused. Please give my love to Pop. I sure will be glad when we can go home and this is all over. Do take care of yourself and write soon.

Loads of love,


The Wedding


At the chapel of the First Baptist Church in San Antonio, Tex, Nov 15, Miss Beverly Jenkins, daughter of Horace Jenkins of San Antonio and the late Mr. Jenkins, became the bride of Cpl. Ronald B. Hutchinson, U.S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Hutchinson of Hawley St., Newington. Dr. Perry F. Webb officiated.
John B. Henry of Houston presented his sister-in-law in marriage and she was attended by Mrs. Henry as matron of honor. Daniel Penn of Oakville was best man.
A ballerina gown of powder blue taffeta was chosen by the bride and a scalloped crown of taffeta held her illusion veil. She carried white gardenias.
Following the reception at the home of the bride’s mother the couple departed for Dallas and Houston, Tex. They will make their home in San Antonio until early February. Following Corporal Hutchinson’s discharge they will reside at 49 Hawley St., Newington.


Nancy French said...

Why didn't his parents go? Because they were upset at the wedding? Because they couldn't afford it? They didn't want to legitimize it?


David Michael said...

They could afford it.

Anonymous said...

Did your mom know she was going to be living with her in-laws when your dad was discharged, in-laws that were furious? That would have given me pause!

David Michael said...

I don't think she knew about the furious part.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.