September 19, 2006

Offending the Terrorists

It may be a surprise to many, but the terrorists want to destroy the American way of life. They are doing everything they can to succeed. It can be said that countless attacks have been diverted by the United States being on the offensive.

The philosophy of the current administration is to not let the terrorists have the ball. That is one of the main reasons for the war in Iraq. The leaders of our country did not want Saddam Hussein to have the ball. To me, it is not that difficult to figure out why we went to war with Iraq. When Saddam or Bin Laden or any terrorist organization is on offense, they are extremely dangerous.

Terrorist rules are different than those of countries that believe that religion should never be used to destroy others. Regardless of how any prisoner has been treated in the United States, I have yet to hear about beheadings or lynchings by American Soldiers.

America has done so much for so many countries around the world. If those countries are offended by how we treat prisoners or conduct the war on terror, then that is their problem, not ours. I am not saying that we should do as we please. We still must be an example. However, we are at war.

Many on the political far left and the terrorists have the same enemy. They both hate George Bush. Hate is too kind of a word. They also want Christianity to become something of the past. If a Democrat takes office in two years, there will be no less hate.

We live in an age where we are worried about offending anyone with a view that may be offensive to our enemies. We need to get over this fast, or our enemies will once again be "eating us for breakfast."

1 comment:

Clint said...

i am very rich and you are just meen:)


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.