July 19, 2006

What God Meant for Good

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Gen 50:20

Joseph, the dude with the coat of many colors, went from the pit to the palace. His brothers thought they had taken care of their problem child, however there problem became the person that solved their problems. Do you have a problem with that?

Who has harmed you in the past? Obviously if it happened, God allowed it. Without getting into the problem of suffering and evil(read Clive), think about this for a moment. How can you turn something bad in your past, into something good?

If your like me, you like your secrets. Why? "If you knew this about me, then I would lose your approval." Of course, the answer begs the question, "Why do you need anyone's approval?"

Back to turning something bad in the past to something good. What happened to you in your past that God has brought you through, that could be used to help someone else?

Child abuse,
Painful divorce,
Financial devastation,
___________, (fill in the blank)
or feeling like a failure?

Even the person who appears to have it all together is not all together. Sometimes it is very comforting to hear about someone's chink in the armor, and how God has brought them through pain.

Has God brought you through a painful past to a peaceful present? What man meant for evil, God meant it for good. Be sensitive to God's "voice", and share with someone who is in need to hear how they are not alone in their pain. Sometimes there is nothing more comforting than to hear someone say, "I know what you mean. I know what it is like to be in the pit, too. However, it is amazing what God has brought me through."


Donna G said...

Good points. Nothing will relax someone and help them to open up and share like hearing about your failures....I do believe that we have to have a safe place ot reveal them in. But we all need such a place.

Really Really Big Man said...

Hey, good entry and very true. (I am HOOTS MUSINGS husband, by the way.) I think we all want to be excepted by our peers and that is why we hide our past. What do you think about that? I have been wrestling with that thought for a little while now. Over a half century old and I still don't have all the answers ... lol.

Sarah said...

My husband just blogged about this a few days ago! His post about Joseph took a slightly different angle from yours.

It is weird because our recent harrowing experience was tied in with a church that is in one of the towns that you mentioned growing up in, in your summer job post. That caught my attention immediately.

As for your son Matthew, I have a sis who is also about to be a senior at ACU. I'm looking for a nice young man for her also. :)

Good blog! I'm enjoying it.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.