July 16, 2006

Matthew's Birthday!

Today Matthew is 22 years old! It is hard for me to believe that I could have a son that age. Matthew is in Costa Rica on a mission trip for the summer.

Some of my favorite memories are when Matthew was a toddler. On weekends, we went everywhere together. He enjoyed riding on my shoulders. We played ball together, wrestled, and went to the park. Since Matthew was the first, it was almost like having a new playmate -- that slobbered on you.

Phyllis was in labor for fifteen hours before they were able to pull him out. His shoulders were to wide. The doctor, as a last resort, used forceps and pulled him out. He was purple when he came out and registered a 2 on the apcar scale. My prayers were never so intense. It was as if I was speaking into God's ear, "Dear God, help my baby breath!" Within seconds he was breathing and crying. Holding him for the first time was an incredible feeling. This is MY son, I thought.

Matthew has one more year at Abilene Christian University. He will probably become a missionary in a Spanish speaking country.

He has been a joy to have as a son. Through baseball, band, football, wrecking the truck a few times, I have been very blessed. Matthew means "gift from God," and he is. However, he does need some help in the relationship department. Matthew can be very intense at times, which is probably not a good idea on a first date. If you know of any young women that he could meet, please let me know and I will pass it on. For the right one, there may even be a reward! :)


jettybetty said...

Your kids have bdays close together, too!

Your kids just sound incredible--what blessings from God!

Happy bday Matthew!

Donna G said...

Happy Birthday Matthew!!

My Matthew will be two on the 27th it is a good month for Matthew birthdays!

Anonymous said...

I tried this once and it didn't take!
Happy Birthday Matt and Melissa...I was rooting for baby Jaden to be born on one of your birthdays...maybe Michael...anyway I love you two guys...can't wait to see everyone when you get home from your summer journeys...we will get an email out on the new "one"!
Love, aunt T


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.