July 9, 2006

The Look of Compassion

Jesus looked at him and loved him. Mark 10:21

Do you remember the context of this scripture in the book of Mark? Of course this proves that Jesus was gay, right? If a man looks at another man in a loving way -- he must be gay. Maybe this will be the subject of Dan Brown's next novel. It is amazing what scriptures individuals with an agenda take out of context!

Who did Jesus emblepas? Who was this man that Jesus looked past his eyes and into his heart? It was a man who ran to Jesus to ask him a question. Jesus had been playing with and blessing some children and was about to leave the scene when a man ran to Jesus to ask him a very important question.

"What must I do to inherit eternal life?"

He must have missed Jesus, once again, telling his audience to become like a child to enter the Kingdom of God. He must have thought Jesus was talking to everyone else. He probably had an attitude of entitlement, possibly a trust fund baby. He was probably thinking that he could buy a ticket to the magical mystery tour of Jesus. After the man asked the question is when "Jesus looked at him and loved him." It was at this juncture that Jesus dropped an economic bonb shell on this dude.

"Go and sell everything you have and give it to the poor."

The man dropped his head faster than a Baptist pastor caught looking at a female parishioners' cleavage. He quickly split the scene.

Jesus looked at him and loved him.

Who was this dude? Maybe he was a rich Republican business executive who made his living on the backs of the poor. Or, maybe he was a liberal Democrat trial lawyer, getting rich on the backs of the rich while causing everyone's insurance rates to go through the roof. Whoever he was, Jesus looked at him and loved him.

Jesus had the ability to look through the eyes and into the heart of a person. However, this did not prevent him from having compassion.

Jesus had compassion for the rich? He realized this young stud could not give up the very thing that was keeping him from having a relationship with God -- his wealth.

Take the compassion challenge. This week, look into the eyes of another person who is very different from yourself, and have compassion on them. It might be a boss, a homeless person, Rush Limbaugh or Hillary Clinton. Whoever, have compassion. Pray for the compassion of Jesus. Remember that as Jesus was dying on the cross, he asked God to forgive his murderers, for they do not know what they are doing.


jettybetty said...

Great thoughts--I accept your challenge!

Anonymous said...


I was having similar thoughts this week (see my blog), only about what it means to look at the poor and really understand. Thanks for sharing this. I need to be reminded that God wants me to love even those who refuse to see the truth, those who prefer the comfort of their self-made life to a life with fewer posessions but with the presence of God. I accept your challenge as well!


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.