April 1, 2006

Outpouring of Love

Matthew Winkler's death is a tragedy of tragedies. He was a young father, only a few years into his career. There were sermons to give, weddings to perform, funerals to officiate, and children to raise. There are no answers to the why. Even though the killer has been caught, so many questions remain. How could this happen in what appeared to be such a loving family?

In spite of the dark side of this episode, there is some light shining through. It has been incredible the outpouring of love from the 4th Street Church of Christ, the community in Selmer, Tennessee and around the country. From all accounts, it is my impression that this church was deeply attached to their minister in a relatively short period of time. This makes his death even more traumatic. This event will be a bookmark in the life of this church. The next chapter is being written.

1 comment:

jettybetty said...

I agree with you--most of what I have heard has been extremely Christ-like.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.