April 28, 2006

Discovery Health

Recently, my favorite channel to watch on cable is Discovery Health. Why watch ER when you can watch the real deal? My favorite show is Trauma in the ER. This is real Reality TV, if you know what I mean. Each week a hospital emergency room is featured, usually from a large city. The most common emergency is victims of automobile accidents followed by gun shots and stabbings. It is amazing how much damage a bullet can do once it enters the body. I also have a new respect for the destruction a small knife can do once it enters the body!

Doctors are the heroes of the Emergency Room. These physicians are cut from a different cloth than other doctors. There are no Hollywood cosmetic surgeons in this bunch. Men and women with amazing courage and the ability to remain calm under intense pressure.

It would be amazing if these shows could be live. I often catch myself praying for the victims. Imagine a live ER! Churches could have a special prayer ministry devoted to praying for the victims as they are being transported by ambulance or helicopter.

Do you watch any "real" Reality TV? If yes, what is your favorite? Of course for many, the only liver they could handle viewing is on the Food Network. I guess that would be Reality TV for some.

There is probably some spiritual or psychological reason that I am drawn to this type of show right now. Maybe I should become a hospital chaplain?


Nancy French said...

Survivor -- you should see my husband's try-out video from 2001!

And there's another little singing show I like...

Anonymous said...

I love Trauma in the ER - I also like Dr. G Medical Examiner. But as for some of the other reality tv shows particularly on the main networks that seem to be "in" - they just aren't my thing. I think I've seen maybe one season of one or two - but season after season - they tend to be the same thing with just a different "cast" of characters.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.