September 24, 2005

Goodbye Rita

Rita is going up the east Texas, west Louisiana line. The Beaumont/Port Arthur area is the worst hit town of Texas. The Houston area has been spared. Louisiana seems to be the area that will suffer the worst, again.

The big story in the Houston area is going to be the traffic coming back. The Governor has asked people not to come back until they give the clear sign. People are not heeding the warnings. I-45 already has rush hour traffic.

Throughout this week, I have prayed for the protection of my family. However, I did not pray that Rita would not hit us. It is because I didn't want it to hit anyone --our joy would be someone else's misery.


jettybetty said...

I find it hard to be happy about Rita--even though she did calm down considerably from the Cat 5 storm she was at one point--and she didn't hit an extremely populated area--because I know there are so many that are suffering still--and for them life is still difficult.

I would like to be jealous that you met Beth. I know she's just God's instrument--but I would love to spend an afternoon chatting with her.


Donna G said...

Glad you all are safe and well


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.