August 3, 2005

Where are you in your life?

well David, where are you in your life with things....? where are you on this journey of reunion.....and where is God with you in it all...what are you learning about him as your parent?

It is not unusual to be asked, "How are you doing?" during the course of a day. My response is predictable, "Fine, how are you doing?." Instead of asking "how," my British friend asked "where" -- which stopped my automatic response mechanism in its tracks.

"Where are you in life with things....?" This seems to be more of a process question. To answer this question, I am going to give some background, so that you will understand where I am today.

One of the great struggles of my life has been my career. As a result of this struggle, finances has been an ongoing problem. Intertwined in both of these challenges has been depression.

Career, finances, and depression are the three greatest struggles in my life. This is the first time I have ever put this in print, or even told more than two people about. Is this being too authentic, too much disclosure? Maybe...however, I am going to explore how each of these became problems in my life, with the hope that I will live the next half of my life, having a fulfilling career, becoming financially stable, and being depression free. In the process, I am going to answer my friend's other questions too.


Donna G said...

Is there such a thing as being too authentic??

Intersting question, I am sure all of our answers would be different, but I do look forward to another peek into your journey....

jettybetty said...

Don't we all struggle with stuff? I do appreciate your honesty--this is how I would answer Donna's question--for Christians, I don't think there's such a thing as being to authenic.

Nancy French said...

Hey! Have you ever listened to Dave Ramsey? You could start by doing his "ten baby steps to financial freedom."

That's what we're doing now. (But I am not telling what number we're on!! Am thankful there aren't negative numbers...)

Anonymous said...

I am glad that the "where" question has got you to stop and think and possibly begin to "re-frame" your life from where you are at now.
I see authentic as partly being congruent, first with yourself. What you show on the outside will match with the you on the inside. Its all a growth are changing.....



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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.