January 10, 2007

An Encounter (A Dream)

I was so close.

I knew there was something going on as I entered through the swirling glass doors. Women were mingling, hiding behind their drinks. They all knew me, yet I did not know anyone. Supposedly, they were there because of my new book. Each woman I met seemed more mysterious, more aloof.

One of the women said she was my new publisher. Her New York clothes and attitude revealed our relationship. We sat down at an immaculate glass table. Tall crystal glasses of water, with a thin slice of lemon floating on the top, were placed gently on our virgin white table cloth. As I looked across the table, the expression on her face revealed that this encounter was about to take another twist.

An older woman slowly began approaching our table from across the large dining area.

"You know who she is, don't you?" I said. "Does she know who I am?"

"Yes. She has always known," she said, looking at me as if something incredible was about to happen.

"I want to meet her."

The petite women sat down, impeccably dressed, Anne Klein glasses. Instinctively, I knew who she was. A flood of emotions, questions, and bewilderment entered my mind.

Then, I awoke.

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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.