November 14, 2006

Passionate Profession

Being a Special Educator is a passion empowered profession. It is my calling. There is something about working with a child that has been given limitations in one or more area of their life that brings out the best in me. The question before me with each child is, "What can I do to discover, educate, and nurture the divine spark within?"

When I look into the eyes of my students or other challenged children around campus, my thoughts become their thoughts. The message is universal -- "Love me for who I am, not for what you think I can become."

Expectations sometimes get in the way of love. My expectations for what a child can accomplish should never exceed my love. My expectations are predominately about what I can give, not receive.

These are a few of my thoughts this morning as I put into words some of the reasons I am so excited to be a Special Educator. More to come.............

1 comment:

Donna G said...

"expectations sometimes get in the way of love" Great line!

What a great and rewarding line of work you have found. The children are lucky to have you.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.