October 4, 2006

Victim -- Give Me a Break

It is the popular thing in Washington that if you get caught doing something unethical or illegal, that you cry victim. The latest is Mark Foley, however, a few months ago it was Patrick Kennedy. Playing the victim card is non-partisan.
As John Stossell would say, "Give Me a Break."

The responsibility era should start at the top! If you have something in your past that you have not overcome or worked through, go get help! Even in poor areas there are missions and ministries, 12 Step Programs, and many non-profit groups to help you.

by Linda Chavez

The Republican leadership should be ashamed of itself. But pardon me if I don't get quite as exercised as some in the media have over the Republicans' inaction. This is hardly the first time a politician has used his power and access to prey on a vulnerable young person entrusted to his care. No, I'm not referring to President Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky (she was, after all, 21) but to the last big page scandal, which occurred more than 20 years ago.
In 1983, when Democrats controlled Congress, two congressmen, a Republican and a Democrat, admitted to having sexual relations with pages. Daniel Crane, a conservative Illinois Republican, admitted he had sex with a 17-year-old female page in 1980. Gerry Studds, a liberal Massachusetts Democrat, described his activity with a male page a decade earlier as "a mutually voluntary private relationship between adults," despite evidence that he plied the 17-year-old boy with alcohol before initiating sex. The House Ethics Committee also charged that Studds unsuccessfully solicited sex from two other male pages.
The House of Representatives voted to censure both members but chose not to expel either one, with some members saying it was up to the voters to decide whether the men deserved to keep their seats. Crane was defeated the following year, but Studds went on to be re-elected six times. If there is any lesson in this scandal, it is that Republican voters are less tolerant of such misbehaver than Democrats.

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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.