October 14, 2006

"My brain is moving!"

Sitting at my instructional table, I was waiting for two of my students to return from having their ears checked by the nurse. Stephen (named changed) announced his coming with the clickity clack of his leg brace. I knew John (named changed)was near because of the sound of his unique laugh reverberating down the hall. As they entered the room I looked at Stephen. Immediately, I could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong. I got up from my desk and was walking toward him when he said, "My brain is moving." Realizing he was about to pass out, I caught him and laid him on the floor. Immediately, I told John to go to the nurse to get help.

As Stephen lay on the floor I put his legs up and asked him to cover his hands with his face and told him to breath. He said, "I see stars." Within seconds the nurse and the assistant principal came in the room. It was obvious that Stephen had a fainting spell, but it looked like nothing else was going to happen, such as a seizure, for the moment. His Mom was notified. She picked him up at school and took him to the emergency room. It was determined that nothing major was wrong, probably some fluid in his ears from allergies.

This was my first "emergency" as a teacher. Life (and some training) has prepared me for moments like these. There is something extra that kicks in that gives me a sense of calm to take care of the situation. This was a very minor one compared to some incidents that I have been involved. Most parents experience these type of moments before their children are out of the house. If this has happened to you, hopefully you or someone else was able to be calm enough to do the right thing.


Donna G said...

Not only does it sound like you are where you need to be, I think those children are mighty blessed to have you in their lives.

I am calm in most situations...unfortunately due to some phycosamatic thing I can't overcome, my brain starts moving at the sight of very much blood...I hate being weak!

Hoots Musings said...

I would want you there as a teacher. Good call! You done real good!


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.