October 7, 2006

Allman Brothers

This morning, I was cleaning the house while listening to the Allman Brother Band 2oth Century Masters Collection. In my opinion, the Allman Brothers were the best southern rock band. Of course a very close second would be Lynard Skynard.

Phyllis had gone to the store, Michael was mowing the lawn, so I decided to dance. I was boogying pretty good when I felt the muscle in my right shoulder pull. Nothing major except a slight pain when I raise my arm. I learned a valuable lesson.

Before you dance with the bands of your youth, do some stretching exercies.


Anonymous said...

Oh man...

The thought of you dancing around alone in your house, though, is quite amusing.

Donna G said...

or the lesson could be...dance more often!!

David Michael said...


My kids and Phyllis get embarrassed when I dance. Or maybe it is nauseated. So I must dance to the beat of my own drummer.


You are right! Dance more and stretch.

Anonymous said...

Yes to bands of our youth!!

I just found out that the Allman Brothers are going to be on an upcoming comp that is a tribute to THE BAND." This might be another CD that you could dance to:)

You can stream the tracks at www.429records.com/endlesshighway

Anonymous said...

I am probably one of the biggest fans of the Allman Brothers. I thought I wouldn't be into this, but it sounds really good. I like some of the other artist also.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.