October 9, 2006

Adam -- God's Beloved by Henri Nouwen

Henri Nouwen is one of the most prolific spiritual writers in history. His writings are welcomed beyond his Catholic faith in to the larger church community. His last book, written before his death, gives the true essence of who he was. Dutch by birth, after studying Theology and Psychology, he came to the United States and studied at the famous Menninger Clinic. He was a professor at Notre Dame, Harvard, and Yale. The last ten years of his life he became a pastor to the L'Arche Daybreak community in Toronto. In many of his books he writes about downward mobility. As Jesus did, he also lived it. This community of mentally and physically handicapped adults became the setting for many of his books. Adam, was his last.

Adam is the story of a mentally and physically handicapped man who Henri Nouwen cared for. Each morning, Henri would get Adam ready, which included everything from shaving to giving him a bath. In the course of a year, Adam change Henri's life. Adam became Jesus to Henri. The book is the gospel message incorporated into the relationship of Adam and Henri.

As I work with children who have mental and physical challenges, I often think of Adam-God's Beloved. Everything I do should be about the children. Special Education often becomes what is best for the parents. As a result, the children are put in situations that probably should not be.

Each day I pray that love will flow from my heart into the lives of my students. Jesus calls us to love "the least of these." I am so glad that at least fives days a week, I have the opportunity.

1 comment:

believingthomas said...

I am glad you do too.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.