September 15, 2006

Rosie O'Donnel is a Comedian?

During a discussion on the 9/11 anniversary on Tuesday, O'Donnell expressed her clear opposition to the war in Iraq but also made parallels between "radical Christianity" and "radical Islam.""Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have a separation of church and state. We're a democracy here," she said on the show co-hosts Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Joy Behar reportedly seemed shocked after O'Donnell's remarks.

The Rev. Rob Schenck, founder of Faith and Action, a Christian ministry on Capitol Hill, responded in a statement, "Miss O'Donnell's comment was recklessly irresponsible and even dangerous. To equate 'radical Christianity' to mass murder is outrageous. A 'radical Christian' is one who takes his or her faith seriously - a faith that has as one of its primary tenets, 'Blessed are the peacemakers.'

"Similarly, Michele Combs, director of communications for the Christian Coalition of America, said, "This is America, and everyone can have their own opinion, however, we do disagree with her opinion. Christianity is all about faith. Christianity is all about humanity and equality. That was the core of the life of Jesus Christ"

Can you imagine the public outcry during World War II if Nazi Germany were equated with American Christians by an entertainer? First, radical Christians are far from terrorists and may even be considered pacifist (I realize my definiton for a radical Christian is different than Ms. O'Donnel). Second, I do not understand why the other women on The View did not ask Rosie to back up her allegations with examples. Clarification was needed regarding her comments.

I believe that all Americans have the right to share their opinion. However, it is my opinion that some far left comments, have been aiding and abetting the enemy. The recent conversations about the Geneva convention is a political move by the left to make the right look like terrorists (I watched a recent White House Press Corp conference with Tony Snow). In the dialogue, the left argument sounds like they are trying to morally equate President Bush with terrorists. It is almost as if they would rather have the terrorists win, than for George Bush to be empowered to lead the country.

It is time for the leaders on the left to say enough is enough. The war on terror began during the Clinton administration. If the left is back in power, I would be extremely surprised if they did not do everything they could to protect our country. Why be inauthentic for political purposes? This goes for the right and the left. What do you think? If you disagree with me that is fine; let me know, if I need to clarify something, I will.


jel said...

I hope you don't mind if i say this here! but when she first started out with she show, I thoight she was really cool, but the more I see and read she about her, I feel sorry for her and the kids that she is raising !

Anonymous said...

Comments like Rosie's are one reason I am so fed up with American politics.

jettybetty said...

I think Rosie wanted some attention--and figured a way to get it. Of course, what I consider a radical Christian and what she does probably would be entirely different.

David Michael said...

Exactly! Maybe someday I will be a radical Christian.

jettybetty said...

I hate to go out on a limb here--but--the kind of radical Christian I am talking about here--might be able to influence Rosie. You know what I mean? And, yes, that's what I want to be be.

Nancy French said...

You preach it, brother.

(You really ARE a preacher..)


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.