August 28, 2006

"Not Real Normal"

From the Howard Scripps News Service:

"He [John Mark Karr] was not, I don’t know how to say this, not real normal," said Dale Jenkins, the former pastor at Hamilton Church of Christ in Karr’s longtime home of Hamilton, Ala.

"I just remember talking to him several times in the foyer of the church building, and his way of thinking was always different than anybody else’s."


Prayer at the Sunday morning worship service:

Dear God,

Please send us the lost people of this community so they can be baptized in Your Son's name and be saved unless they fall away after that and need to repent or forever be lost in eternal hell. Guide, guard, and direct us. In Jesus Name, Amen

Sunday afternoon Elder's meeting:

Elder Smith, "Well I thought today went real well. Preacher Dan, you preached a Gospel Sermon. It looks like the contribution was on budget. Preacher Dan, I did notice you talking with that Karr fella after the service. Is he right in the head? I'm concerned."

Preacher Dan: "Brother Smith, I know what you mean, He isn't normal. He makes a lot of folks feel uncomfortable. He may even be one of them homosexuals. We better keep him away from the young people. "

Elder Jones, "We need to protect the youngins. Maybe we should confront him about his sin and if he don't turn from his wicked ways, we could disfellowship him. We haven't had a disfellowshippin in quite some time.

Preacher Dan, "Well, we probably don't need to go that far. I'll meet with and let him know that we feel that he is a bad influence on the young people of the church and that if he is homosexual, he will need to repent or I'll tell him the truth, 'Brother, you're going straight to hell.' I think that should be enough to get him to move on. I hear the liberal church of Christ across town has homosexuals in their church. I'll recommend he go there."

Elder Jones, Elder Smith: Good idea Preacher Dan. Yes, good idea. Now back to business. I think we need to have a Gospel Meeting!


Donna G said...

So sad....but so accurate.

David Michael said...

Yes, it is very sad. Liability is a huge issue for churches and I understand the responsibility elders have because they are legally considered a board of directors for organizational purposes. One elder made it a point to remind of that many times! However, I believe that ministries can be set up like Stephen's ministries or counseling and referal. I had a friend years ago that was struggling with homosexuality who was very involved in our youth group as one of the leaders (early 70s). He went to the Senior Minister of a large church to get help because of his struggles. The minister lamblasted him, which did the opposite of what the minister thought it would do. This person has been living an open homosexual lifestyle for at least twenty years.

The mentally ill or those who are struggling with deep identity issues may turn their back on those who are trying to help. We can not be responsible if we minister like Christ would, and someone turns away.

Hoots Musings said...

I laughed at your comments, and then wanted to cry at how true they are.

Anonymous said...

I have also heard that there are many parents of children with disabilities that don't feel welcomed in the church because of their child's disability.

Of all places not to feel welcomed!


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.