August 13, 2006

Does God have a Zapper?

When I was a kid, I got hit in the head so many times that I would flinch when I was near an adult who would brush or comb their hair. It might have not been that bad, but I remember times when I thought someone was going to hit me, and I would step back or get ready to absorb the blow.

Maybe I think about God in this way. I mess up, then I flinch in fear that he is going to hit me. Imagine Bill Cosby's comedy routine about "the belt." At times I thought God had a huge belt, and every time thundered, I would flinch. If a non church person felt that way, I do not think they would feel to comfortable around God as they perceive him to be.

Talking to a friend this morning started me thinking this way. I realize that some people think of God as one of those Mosquito zappers. Fly to close, and zap.

Many Christians of the 21st century are quick to want God to bring out the zappers. If it was up to some, God would have a zapper for gays, bikers, and liberals. This is more of a reflection of the media Christians, especially those with the big hair or the voice with the implanted woofer. God to them is a three syllable word.

One preacher I saw this morning on television, was wearing Bono glasses and slicked back hair. A new look. He not only changed his appearance, he also changed his pulpit. It said, THE WORD OF GOD. In a way, I thought that was a little arrogant. When I was a preacher, the only time I knew it was the word of God was when I read from the Bible. This church had a zapper over the baptistery as a reminder.

Too many Christians worry about "watering down the Gospel." When someone says this, I often think that their interpretation of what the Gospel is, is different than mine. I also think this is more of an inside deal.

Some church going folks do not feel like they have been to church unless they feel like they have been to hell and back. They live their life that way -- catastrophe and then redemption, catastrophe then redemption. This narrative plays out over and over.

Grace is hard to understand, at least it seems that way. People that understand grace don't go around saying, "hate the sin, love the sinner."

If you want to go on a mind trip, go see "The Night Listener" with Robin Williams. Robin plays the same character as he did in Good Morning Vietnam, accept he doesn't play music, he is gay, and he is severely depressed. However, he is on the radio.

What would happen if Christians quit aligning themselves with political groups. Wormwood has done well. He figured out that you don't need persecution from non-Christians. Just turn Christians against each other. Works every time.

Enough ramblings. Today, I am must confess that I am a sinner, and seem to pretty good at it. Also, I realize that I probably wouldn't even let myself into heaven. However, the God I believe in doesn't have a zapper. He has big outstretched arms, and when I crossover to the other side he is going to say, "Come on in Dave, we have been waiting for you."


Donna G said...

Ain't it cool...he will let me come in too!!

Hoots Musings said...

Of all people, I don't deserve heaven, but I look forward to the day when God say, hey Hoots...well done!
Thanking God for his son and redemption!

Praise His Name!

Nancy French said...

Well, if Christians had stopped alligning themselves with political movements in the 1800s, I guess William Wilberforce wouldn't have succeeded in his ending of the Britsh slave trade.

This is one of many reasons why Christians should be the most involved people in politics.

If you don't believe that, I'll zap you myself.

Anonymous said...

"Today, I am must confess that I am a sinner, and seem to pretty good at it."

Unfortunately, so am I.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.