August 8, 2006


Effective fathering is so important to the development of a child. The children who are in the most need, need a father. The news concerning autism and dads is very promising.

One and a half million people, both children and adults, are living with autism.
Often times, care and education become the mother's responsibility.

However, some doctors think dads may hold the key to helping these kids.

David was diagnosed with autism when he was three and his dad found it very frustrating.

Dads like to be in control and it doesn't work with these special children.

"There is a tendency to really direct the children, but what we found is that doesn't work very well in autism. It's much better to follow the child's lead," explains Jennifer Elder, M.D. of the University of Florida.

Doctor Elder says to teach your children how to take turns. That's critical for language development.

But don't focus on the disorder. Autistic children need to play with you like any other kid.

Her research shows a dad's involvement improved communication and increased the number of understandable words by 50 percent.
-- WUND - South Bend, Indiana


Anonymous said...

Well, Dee sent me over here. :-)

My husband is very good about playing with Matthew, much better than I am. I'll show this to him.

preacherman said...


It is amazing how God works through blogging.
I was lead to your blog by your comments on Mike Cope's blog.
My youngest son is having problems right now. He had many ear infections a young child. We as parents know something isn't right. We are ruling out options to see if he is mildly autistic. I am planning on being the father I need to be for him and do to make his life meaningful and as wonderful as possible. I apprecaite your comments. I enjoyed your blog.
Many of my family and church don't know that we are trying to see if he is autistic or not.
So, please if you comment on my blog don't mention it.

I thank God that he lead me to your blog. It helped me today. I enjoy reading more of your blog.
God bless you and your ministry in Katy, Tx.

Fellow minister and servant of Jesus Christ.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.