July 30, 2006

We Need More Buildings -- The Poor You Will Always Have With You?

What is it about buildings and churches? This morning I went to a church that has decided to build an educational building. As a Bible class oriented church, they definitely need the space. If that is what a church wants to do, so be it. However, why do churches, especially on the front end of a building project make it such a spiritual experience compared to other projects the church is involved? Does that come from the Old Testament and the building of the temple?

This morning, the minister's message was on faith. The clear message was that if we have the faith, we will be able to get the money for the building. In his introduction, he made some comments that were fascinating to an ex-preacher like me. He said if the church (universal) had faith, we could eliminate world hunger, homelessness, and loneliness -- if that is what God wants. He said that if God wants us to have this building, he will provide the resources for it, through the contributions of the members. Hunger, homelessness, and loneliness is on one side; and an educational building on the other is a very interesting juxtaposition that I do not think was intended at all by the minister, but was very revealing!

This got me thinking. Is God's priority buildings? Although I do not have a statistic to prove it, probably more money has been spent on buildings than anything else churches spend money on.
A friend told me years ago why the wealthy would rather give their millions to universities than churches. He said it was because they know the money will be used for good and have a longer lasting affect.

The church took up a special collection and received about $40,000 in cash and $80,000 in pledges. There goal is to raise $250,000 in three more special contributions.

An even more startling juxtaposition took place. A young mother with three children came forward for prayer at the end of the message. She needs a pancreas transplant and will die unless she gets one. Her insurance will not pay and she does not have the money. Hopefully, a hospital will agree to take her case. In my fantasy, one of the elders gets up and says, "We just had a quick meeting and if the members approve, we want to give this special contribution to this young mother. All in favor say I, all opposed. The motion carries."


Matt Barnett said...

why buildings when the future is house churches?or what about more missions funding? And it would be cool if the elders had said we are going to give all the money we raised today for her pancraese.

Anonymous said...

How sad that our priorities and the Father's priorities are not the same. In a time when we are encouraged to ask WWJD, I am amazed no one asks that pertaining to brick and mortar. We love the tangable. We love to touch, see and feel where we spend the "Lord's" money. This "treasure in heaven" thing really escapes us. How sad.

Nancy French said...

If a church can collect $40 K in one collection, they could probably do both!

David Michael said...

I am sure that there are members of this church who have supported this mom. The main point I am making is that it seems odd that churches across America can rally more behind a building than authentic ministry. I understand that ministry happens in the context of a building.

Donna G said...

My sentiments exactly....
Do we really care what Jesus would do about buildings? Or do we feel like we are being insubordinate if we don't get excited about building programs?


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.