July 4, 2006

Special Education Teacher

For the past three weeks, I have been going to class to become certified in Special Education EC - 12. I am going to take my test on July 12 which will allow me to teach on a probationary certificate for one year. This test is the content test for Special Education. I also must pass another test before the end of my intern year. During my intern year, I will be under the direction of a mentor, who along with the principal and Texas Teachers (alternative certification program), will determine if I should receive my Texas teachers certificate.

Why Special Education? One reason is that there is a great need for Special Educators in Texas, so the ability to get a job is greater. The main reason is that I have a special place in my heart for kids with special needs. One of my best friend's sister was MR. It was beautiful to see the way Valerie treated her sister. I always enjoyed being around Cindy. I worked at an Angel's camp with Valerie for one week when I was in high school.

[By the way, Valerie and I were in the same first grade class. We were in school together (except for my senior year in high school) until we graduated from Harding University together. We even walked down the aisle side by side. I was close to her but didn't consider her for a "girlfriend" until college. When I asked her out she turned me down because she had a date with Doug, who ended up being my roommate my senior year. Valerie and Doug are still married.]

I do not do well at jobs unless I can get passionate. My favorite jobs were being a ranch hand in Montana and being a minister. Neither one of those is available at the moment. Teaching is something that I really believe that I can put my heart and soul into for the next twenty to twenty five years. One advantage for me to teach Special Ed is my wife, Phyllis. Phyllis taught Special Ed for many years and has a MA in the field. When we first met she taught Sp Ed, which was a big plus. I felt like she would be more understanding of my idiosyncrasies. Phyllis can be my sounding board, "What do I do when Deanna takes her diaper off in class and puts it on Fredericks head?"

If I do not get a teaching job for this semester, I am going to be a Special Education Aide. I will do this (and work another job since it does not pay much) until I get a classroom of my own.

How's that for a career change?


jettybetty said...

I think that's so exciting--you sound great for the job!

My mom was a special ed teacher for years. There is a big need for teachers with a big heart. Sounds like you are right there!

Anonymous said...

David, very cool career change. I'm excited for you. May the Lord put you in the classroom that most needs your loving care and compassion.

paul said...

I spent 20 years in full time ministry and then did the Alternative Certification route and have been teaching second grade for the last four years. Teaching is a ministry too. We need good men and women who have have a Christian impact on the kids. You will do well! Congratulations on the career change!

Donna G said...

You are getting me "stirred up". I admire you for jumping in there and finding what you are passionate about. I can't quit thinking about it for myself either. I appreicate your input., I have much thinking and praying to do.

Way to go!!

Nancy French said...

Yay! Sounds great! Keep us posted...

Anonymous said...

Cool beans, dude!! People like my son need all the help they can get.

Matt Barnett said...

Hey dad, Great Idea. I think this will be an incredible ministry for you. And God will bless you and our family through it.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.