July 1, 2006


I have had many jobs in my life time.
Paper route
Mowing lawns
Cleaned out cattle trailers
Ranch hand
Serviced semi-trucks
Bus boy
Frosty the Snow Man
Door to door salesman
Banquet server
Turkey wrangler
Cleaned out sewers
Pulled groceries
Nursery worker (trees)
Professional fundraiser/salesman
Sold beepers
Sold automotive electrical parts
Sold electrical connecters
Cleaned gymnasium
Substitute teacher
Fence Builder
Restaurant manager
Sold/serviced solvent machines
Kelly Services
Sold nuts and bolts
Associate minister
Preaching minister
Roofing contractor sales and manager
Life Coach
Seminar leader
Community Relations Coordinator (foster care)
Cable sales
Book Fair Sales
I am working towards changing careers once again.


Donna G said...

Turkey wrangler?

I too am on a quest for passion...it looks like your list included some things you could have been passionate about...

Mine former jobs all revolve around computers, banking, accounting and lending... Not much passion in this stuff....

David Michael said...

A turkey wrangler (my designation) is someone who picks the turkey up by their legs and puts them into a truck. I did this a few times when I was in college. At the breaks we had turkey sandwiches.

I have been most passionate about ministry. However, it is the job that has been the most difficult on Phyllis (wife). Her personality does not do well in a fish bowl, especially when someone keeps throwing Piranas in the tank.

Nancy French said...

What on earth is a roustabouter??

So, you might be changing again?

Details... details? You always leave us hanging.

David Michael said...


A roustabout is the lowest man on the totem pole in the oil business. The summer after my senior year, I worked for Mitchell Energy as a roustabout. Mostly it involved digging up old pipeline.


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About Me

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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.