June 22, 2006

The Dali Code -- conclusion

While the leaders of the church were meeting with the Precinct 4 Constable, filing a crime report, Juan Valdez and Scott discussed the meaning of the messages.

Professor Scott began interpreting, "It is obvious that the message and the art work tell a story. The muscle bound Jesus means that He is strong. It reminds me of the phrase in the song, 'Jesus Loves Me,'we are weak, but He is strong."

"The other picture is also plain," said Juan. "Jesus is the way out. Jesus is the way out of this world."

"If we put this vandalart together with the quote from Salvador Dali (Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision), it seems to becomes obvious the meaning of message," responds Professor Scott. "Yes," said Juan.

The two new friends left Starbucks and returned to the Cinco Lakes Church. They were surprised to find that all the elders of the church and the ministers were out front discussing what to do. They were discussing getting three bids for the graffiti removal, when Juan walked over to the elders and said, "Fear not, the pictures are in chalk. I can wash it off in a few minutes."

Bob, one of the elders suggested that they leave it until after the Sunday service so the members can view. He then asked Scott and Valdez if they could meet with the elders and ministers to discuss the event for a few moments.

Professor Scott began sharing with the leadership group the message the Arte Vaqueroes were trying to send. When he finished, everyone had a stunned look on their face. This was a surprise to him, since he thought the message would be obvious to all.

Professor Scott had to get back to Abilene. He decided to lead a prayer for the Cinco Lake Church leaders. Before getting into his car, he gave Juan a big hug.

"Thank you my friend," said Juan. "It looks like this church has some important issues to think about for awhile."

What did Professor Scott share with the leadership group?

1 comment:

Scott Simpson said...

The Meek shall inherit the earth

Very fine parable David! I'll be sure to return in the future!


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.