May 17, 2006

"This is Where it Started"

But God is in control of you, and took you here because he loves you and wants to start anew with you. You're in the perfect place, the place that you'll look back on and say, "This is where it started." Think of it as a blessing. He loved you enough to stop you from the path you were on. Many people just keep going. No roadblocks. No reflection. No seeking God's face. But God loves you and wants to transform you.

A friend sent me these encouraging words in an email a few days ago. I thought they were very profound, and right on target. After reading Dee's blog, I realized how little that I have heard about what God is doing through the hurricanes. It may be that no one is really thinking of tragedy in this way.

Think of one of the worst tragedies in your life. How has God brought you through this? What is God teaching you? Mike's blog reminded me of the life of Raydean Mattis -- a widow whose husband died in Vietnam. In spite of this tragedy, she raised a beautiful family and became a high school teacher. Some women lose their husband, and life becomes a nightmare. She chose to allow God to work in her life.

This is where it started! Maybe you are at a place in your life where God is about to do something amazing. A month, or a year, or even a lifetime, you may look back on May 17, 2006 as the day that life began afresh. This may be the day that everything becomes clear.


Anonymous said...

Okay - this is creepy! My life started on May 17th... well, at least, the breathing part did! It's weird. When I turned 30, it was very hard - I felt like my life was worthless, at an end; and now - several years later, I feel like I'm just on the verge of what God has planned for me...

I love your blog - I'm here still reading - just not always time to comment!

Anonymous said...


Seems many of us are busy thinking on the same topic these days: What am I meant to be doing? I'm headed toward the half-century mark (13 months, but I find the burthdays ending in 9 hardest for me), and I think of all the things I meant to accomplish or experience or the kind of person I wanted to be by the time I was 30, 40, 50 and how little I have done, so I kick it into high gear for a year! Trying to see what God is doing in my life, in our church, and trying to figure out how to join him there. Thanks for the encouragement.

Nancy French said...



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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.