January 17, 2006

Happy Birthday?

This is the first birthday, in my entire life, that I ever had an emotional problem with. I have heard others speak about dreading a certain birthday, but I really didn't connect. Now I understand.

In the past, I have set goals before birthdays, usually without hitting them. Before I was twenty- five, I didn't become independently wealthy. By forty, I wasn't on the David Letterman or the Oprah Winfrey show.

Last year, I started thinking about what I wanted to accomplish before I turned the big 5-0 (I can't believe I just typed it). Some of my goals were like being debt free, and in the best shape of my life. I also decided I wanted to mentally and spiritually work through every situation in my life and bring "closure" (whatever that means). Big mistake! As a result, I set myself up for having one of the worst years of my life. Yesterday, I had one of the worst migraines I ever had. It was so bad I gave myself last rites.

Amazingly, today I am 50 years old. Your first thought was probably, "Benjamin Franklin and David share the same birthday." Hopefully you weren't thinking, "I can't believe he is that old."

Last night, our friends Sam and Tracey had us over to celebrate my birthday. They gave me a cup that has written on it: 50-The Legacy Lives On! It was a difficult present to receive. Sam encouraged me when he told me that 50 was the only birthday that he had a difficult time getting his mind wrapped around.

In spite of dreading my birthday all year, I am glad it is here. I feel that now I can get on with my life. For now, my new philosophy is Acceptance and Commitment. More about that in days to come.

Matthew and Melissa called me this morning before they went to their classes at ACU to tell me Happy Birthday! Michael told me Happy Birthday on the way to school. I am so blessed to have such great kids. I also have an incredible wife, Phyllis. I am a blessed man!


Hoots Musings said...

Happy Birthday David!!!
I went to send you a Hallmark e-card and could not find your email address, so let this suffice.

I hope Phyliss bakes you a big honking cake and that you have a double dip of ice cream to boot!

Blessings to you today and for the next 50!


Brigitte said...

I found you through a comment you left on my friend Cindy's blog.
I hope you had a wonderful 50th! Isn't it amazing that as you reach ages you used to think were "so old", you realize that you don't seem that old. I always wonder if anyone actually feels their age!

I am glad God has blessed you with an amazing family.

jettybetty said...

Happy Birthday brother!

I love being 50!!! Old is so relative--now 80 is beginning to sound young! LOL!!

Nancy French said...

Whoa. Don't you know that 50 is the new 30?

Hope it's getting better. You've done a LOT with your life... I can tell that just through your blog posts.

David Michael said...

Thank you!!!

believingthomas said...

Happy birthday. Another January birthday. I knew I liked you!

I feel the need again to tell you that you need to find a place to speak regularly.

Please forward the procedure for self-service last rites.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.