November 19, 2005

Healing Time

Two of the nurses looked at my arm and said that I would get stitches. The Physicians Assistant looked at it and said there was a deep cut inside a laceration which meant that if she sewed it up, it could get infected. My knee and elbow were x-rayed revealing that nothing was broken. I was given a tetanus shot and a prescription of antibiotics.

During my visit in the emergency room, someone came in who had overdosed on pain pills. I could hear the doctor ask her if she was trying to commit suicide. I didn't here the answer. Another women came in with sever stomach cramps and was hyperventilating. Her boyfriend brought her in and then left. It was Saturday night, and the emergency room was just getting busy. I thought it would be interesting to work in an emergency room. Maybe I missed my calling?

It has been a week of changing dressings and trying to get back to normal. Working has been difficult because of the clothes requirement. Everything rubs against my wounds no matter what I do.

One mistake I made was refusing a prescription of pain pills. I have decided next time something like this happens, I will get the prescription and stock up if I don't need them.

It will probably take another week before I will be able to ride. I look forward to getting back on my bike. Lance Armstrong's book, "It's Not about the Bike," was right. It is about moving forward, in spite of pain. Whether it is cancer, contusions, or depression.

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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.