September 7, 2005

Reponse to Katrina

Yesterday I visited a Katrina shelter in my home town. About 150 evacuees are residing in the former First Baptist Church building of Katy. This is a Red Cross shelter which is very well organized. The people I talked to were very happy to be in Katy. One man told me that he has been planning on leaving New Orleans for a long time because of the crime. He said that gangs were a huge problem. Talking to the evacuees, I got a sense that New Orleans wasn't quite as jazzy as it is portrayed.

America's response to the evacuees has been phenomenal. It took me four stops before I found a shelter that was still accepting clothes. One of the well received donations were coloring books that I donated to one of the shelters. Because of my job working with schools, I have access to coloring books. These were very well received. They use water based markers instead of crayons, which makes sense.

Texas has opened their hearts and homes to the evacuees. Churches have responded just like churches should. Schools are making room for new students.

Oprah was in town yesterday. George Bush senior and Bill Clinton were here the day before, but they didn't get any where near the reception that Oprah did. She was telling people to use this tragedy as a catalyst to rebuild their lives.


Hoots Musings said...

I guess I will have to cross Oprah off the "do not watch' list.
I thought she went overboard recently when she went on and on about releasing violent criminals back into society because they are misunderstood and need a creative outlet.
That is really good news and I am grateful she went and did not have a political agenda!

I feel sort of worthless because I have not done much to help with the relief effort. We gave money and pray daily for the people who are devastated. Guess I am a roll up your sleeves type and at the moment cannot get away to offer help.

QueenBee said...

As a fellow "houstonian" I have to say i'm so proud of our city. I've never been prouder. Lives are being changed not just by the storm, but by the generousity of people responding to it.

Nancy French said...

Hey David! Philadelphia prepared for 5,000 refugees and when the airplane landed.... there were only 38 people who came!!

NO ONE wants to live in Philadelphia. When given the choice between an overcrowded football arena and the City of Brotherly Love, they chose the arena.

And I can't say I blame them. Can I come stay with y'all in Texas too? Scoot over, Hoots. David, can I borrow your toothpaste?

Nancy French said...

ciNdy, I can sleep on the floor of the new, brightly painted kids' room....?


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.