September 10, 2005

Be Yourself

Be yourself. Has anyone ever told you this? What does this mean to you? To me it means being my authentic self, my true self.

Most of us present our constructed self which is a false self. This is not who we really are. The constructed self serves many people very well, to a certain point.

Do you feel like you are your authentic self? Share with me your thoughts on this matter.


Actualizing said...

I'll start by being myself right now and apologize for offending anyone with my recent past 2 comments.

I've been experiencing panic attacks lately and find that when I'm anxious, I seem to just type or talk before thinking things through.

I meant no disrespect and hope all is well with everyone.

Donna G said...

I try to be myself. Sometimes I don't like the person that I am, but I try to let the Spririt work in me to change the things I don't like.

However, I know at times I "fake-it". As long as the fake me is a better me I guess that is OK???

Unknown said...

I always feel that I'm being my most authentic self when no one else is around - no one's watching. I guess like 'djg' I try and I guess it takes a certain amount of courage and yet again I always feel good about myself when I'm just being me. Maybe it's a case of remembering to just be ourselves and believing in ourselves?


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.