September 28, 2005

Ant Attack

This morning our house is being invaded by ants. I sprayed the yard last week to get rid of as many bugs as I could before Rita hit -- not a good idea. We have ants all over our house. They must have got mad. I am not sure what kind of ants, except some are big and some are small. Both sting.


School starts back today in our area after being out since last Thursday. This time last week we were in a state of high anxiety, with a category 5 hurricane headed to our town square.


Nancy French said...


We had ants in our house in upstate New York that were immune to the sprays the exterminators used. Cornell even came and got some of them to do tests on them to see why they were super-ants. Eventually, they started sending us a rent check and we learned to live with them.

jettybetty said...

Bummer--we have horrible trouble with ants here--we've tried most everything--I hope you find something to get rid of them--so you won't have to give the little pests a rent check!!!

Unknown said...

Hi David,

There are some interesting facts about ants at this website:

It suggests that you put some sugar outside the house to stop them coming inside.


Donna G said...

I hate ants...I have to spray weekly to keep them away. Sometimes I think they will carry the dog bowl off...


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.