August 12, 2005


For as a man thinks within himself, so is he... Proverbs 23:7

"People who tend towards analysing what has gone wrong in their lives, reviewing the past selectively (picking out the negative aspects), catastrophising every little setback, dreaming up future disasters or engaging in self-blame, tend to stay locked into the state of depression instead of rising above it. This explains something observed for some time – that depressed people habitually adopt a particular way of thinking to explain things that happen to and around them."
-- Human Givens, Tyrrell & Griffin

Such patterns are often so entrenched in the minds of depressed people they may not realize there are even other ways of thinking. Negative patterns may include: jumping to conclusions, over-generalizations ("I failed at this, I'll fail at everything"), mental filtering ("she liked my gift, but I ruined our relationship because I left the price sticker on it"), discounting the positive ("he doesn't know what he's talking about, I'm not really that good"), all-or-nothing ("Either I get an A+ or I am worthless"), and personalizing blame ("it's my fault she got lost on her way here even though I wasn't the one who gave her directions").
-- The Feeling Good Handbook, Dr. David D. Burns, M.D.

My road to depression has been paved by how I think. I have detoured off this road many times, however, something happens -- usually some type of loss -- and I am back on the depression road. Currently, I am at a rest stop. I am going to explore ways to change my thinking for good. Maybe I need a new map.

Please comment and pass this along to your blog friends. All comments are welcome, from every perspective!



Sue Hackney had a stroke and is critically ill in a Lubbock Hospital. She is the wife of Jim Hackney, minister of the Heritage Church of Christ in Ft. Worth. Jim performed our wedding, and was Phyllis' youth minister. Please keep them in your prayers.


Hoots Musings said...

Do you know what hospital Mrs. Hackney is in? I can get some good church people from Lubbock to sit with Mr. Hackney and visit him for comfort and support.

Will write more later regarding your post.


jettybetty said...

I am not a psychologist at all!

I have had someone in my life that has suffered from chemical depression--their brain did not make the necessary "happy" chemicals for them to even think at times. From what I understand, this one is near impossible to deal with unless you do take meds. (God CAN always heal, I know.)

I do think way too many people take meds--it's seen as an easy way out.

If it's not chemical, prayer and meditating on God's word will make a huge difference. In fact, it may be the only way to experience healing??

I also believe there might be a kind of spiritual depression brought on by an attack of Satan--and only God can heal that one.

Like you said earlier, depression is complex. I do know that it can be as painful as physcial illness--it can limit one's ability to function at almost any level. It's very real--and the advice--just pull yourself up by your bootstraps--may not work.

God is powerful! I will pray for you!


David Michael said...

Sue Hackney is in University Medical Center.

jettybetty said...

Thanks for news about Sue--I know the Hackney's--wonderful people! They are in my prayers now!
If you get an update, will you please post?

Nancy French said...

Interesting to see how all of this works out in your life!

Keep us posted on Mrs. Hackney.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.