August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson Crossed the Line

"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," Robertson said. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop." -- Pat Robertson

This morning it was very disheartening to read Pat Robertson's remarks regarding the assassination of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

What a stupid, idiotic, thoughtless, asinine, thing to say (you may be thinking, "How do you really feel, David?"). Just who does he think he is? This is personal.

My dear friend, Gary and Terri Collins and their precious daughter Sophie are in Venezuela. Gary works for an oil company. They will probably be there until sometime in 2007. Please pray for them.

This also baffles me that someone with such a public ministry would make such an un Christ-like statement. I don't watch his program, maybe he makes comments like this often. From remarks like this, it is understandable why Christians are being viewed as right-wing extremists. Maybe the 700 Club is what should be cancelled.

What was the ultimate teaching of Jesus? This should be the Christian focus.


Nancy French said...


Does anyone have a muzzle?

We didn't elect Pat Robertson to make Christians look stupid.

Yet, he does it every few months.

It's time for new leadership.

Hoots Musings said...

I almost choked when I heard that Robertson's quote this morning.
What does he hope to accomplish?

Geeze Louise....Pat it is time to retire and hand over the baton to someone who is not suffering from dementia!

jettybetty said...

I had to go out and google to see what you were talking about (I don't take a paper or watch much news--I know it's dangerous!).

I am not sure I have everything in the Bible figured--but what I do have figured does not line up with this at all.

I have to agree with Nancy, he needs a muzzle. I understand why you take if personal--someone is just sure to think you agree, because after all you are a Christian?

I have been trying to catch up with all your posts of the last week--you have been blogging like mad--some really, really good, honest, thought provoking stuff.


Rob Willis said...

OK - I want to chime in. Was this a smart thing to say? Probbaly not. Is he receiving WAY too much flack? Yes. Let's remember that we've all made dumb mistakes, said stupid things, and if everytime we spoke someone had a mic, the national media would have a hayday regarding those "stupid, un-Christ-like Christians!"

What he said was probably ill-advised. But as I read through the major and minor prophets in the Old Testament, as well as Judges and in Kings and Chronicles, I find many times where prophets condemned rulers on God's behalf, and where God Himself speaks condemnation and death. Were they ill-advised or "stupid" in their remarks? No. Pat spoke off the cuff, and I don't envy his position - but I am glad that God equipped him with the ability to speak tough things - even though this was clumsy...

I don't know. I just want to make sure that I respond as Christ did to Pat Robertson - Mark 9:40 - "Anyone who is not against us is for us." I have prayed for Pat and the difficult position he is in. And I do pray that the Spirit of wisdom will govern future statements...just some scattered thoughts.

No Longer In Crisis said...

Ugh! As a child of God, I am saddened and embarassed. Let's pray that he learns to speak God's love and understanding instead of reactionary, uninformed (and dangerous) views.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.