August 18, 2005

Core Beliefs

"Where is he going now?" you may be wondering. I am going to explore a cognitive model with the intent to change the way I think. A variety of resources will be consulted. The outcome of this journey is going to be positive.

Beginning in childhood, people develop certain beliefs about themselves, other people, and their worlds. Their most central or core beliefs are understandings that are so fundamental and deep that they often do not articulate them, even to themselves. These ideas are regarded by the person as absolute truths, just the way things "are." -- Judith S. Beck

List of Possible Negative Core Beliefs

This list is just intended to get me thinking. I do not have all of these thoughts. The key is to identify "automatic" thoughts or what I call, "fleeting negative thoughts" that affect the way I think, feel, and behave.

Not good enough (incompetent)

I am no good

I can't get it right

I can't make it work (klutz)

I can't fix it

I am not good enough

I am unsuccessful

I am not valuable

I am inferior

I am nothing

I am worthless

I am invisible

I am insignificant

Not good enough (unlovable)

I am not lovable

I am unacceptable

I am plain and dull

I am not special

I don't matter

I am unworthy

I am not interesting enough

Don't know, wrong

I don't know

I get it wrong

I am always wrong

I can't understand

I'm not understood

I am in the wrong place

I am no good

I am a mistake

In danger or not safe

I'm not safe

I am afraid

I am uncertain

I am vulnerable

I am helpless

Unwanted, different

I don't belong

I am unwanted

I am alone

I am unwelcome

I don't fit in anywhere

I don't exist

I'm nothing

I should not be here at all

I'm not anybody

I am left out

I am unsuitable

I am uninteresting

I am unimportant

I don't matter

Defective, imperfect, bad

It's my fault

I am guilty

I am bad

I am not whole

I am imperfect

I am unattractive

I am flawed

I am stupid

I am awkward

I am slow

I can't be me

I'm not true

I'm dirty

I am ugly

I am fat

I'm shameful

I am unclean

I am useless

I am crazy

I have a mental problem

I am out of control

I can't make myself clear

I am mistaken

I am unbalanced

I will fail

I am a failure

I don't deserve to be loved

I don't deserve to be cared for

I don't deserve anything

There's something wrong with me

Powerless, one-below

I can't do it

I can't

I am a victim

I am weak

I am powerless

I am a failure

I am ineffective

I don't have any choice

I am less than

I am helpless

I finish last

I am always number two

I am always one-below

I can't stand up for myself

I am inferior

I am a loser

I am inadequate

I can't say "no"


I am a klutz (awkward)

I am a schmuk (unsophisticated)

Somethings Positive!

Today's Quote

I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.

-William Allen White

1 comment:

steve said...

God Bless!

If you get a chance could you please say a prayer for a little girl named "Rebekah" who has cancer. God knows who you will be praying about! Thank you so much!

Trying to rally some good Christian Prayer for her and her family!


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.