June 20, 2005

A Resilient Life

The Seven Resiliencies

Insight - asking tough questions and giving honest answers.

Initiative/Independence - distancing emotionally and physically from the sources of trouble in one's life.

Relationships - making fulfilling connections to other people,
- taking charge of problems.

Creativity - using imagination and expressing oneself in art forms.

Humor - finding the comic in the tragic.

Morality/Spirituality - acting on the basis of an informed conscience.

The Resilient Self: How Survivors of Troubled Families Rise Above Adversity (Villard, 1993 By Steven Wolin, M.D. & Sybil Wolin, Ph.D.

Who do you know that has lived a resilient life? Perhaps one of your parents who lived through the great depression, or survived World War II. Possibly a spouse who had a very difficult childhood, but today is a wonderful parent. Resilient individuals don't wear a name tag that says they have been through tough times. Often the people who you think probably had the easiest life, had one of the most difficult. Resiliency is a gift that anyone can open, but many are unaware that they have been given anything.

Study the seven resiliencies by Drs. Wolin & Wolin. Which of these traits do you possess? What has brought you through a painful past, to a more peaceful present?

1 comment:

Hoots Musings said...

Creativity - using imagination and expressing oneself in art forms.

Art was my escape to a world in my mind. I need to get out the paint and get back at it, but there is something very redeeming in using your creativity and being whole.


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Katy, Texas, United States
Being a husband and a father is the greatest blessing in my life. I am also a Special Educator to students with an autism spectrum disorder.